viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Traveling Home!

Thursday, June 21 (Day 29) - Friday, June 22 (Day 30)

Traveling home was a long process. Not as long as traveling to Argentina but it was still a lot of energy. We left Hotel Diplomat at 4:45pm to take a 45-minute bus ride to Buenos Aires International Airport. We got there fairly early but that's good because its a process and a half to get to your gate. The airport was pretty empty compared to when my professor says she normally goes. So we get through security and pick a bunch of seats near our gate and chill. We are just being our normal crazy selves when two guys in suits walk up because they heard English and wanted to talk. They were missionaries that just finished and were traveling back to the states. It was really funny. We of course would attract the other English speaking people in the airport. I don't think the group every learned to be quiet... That's okay. Some of my classmates had an interesting conversation with them. Apparently they first thought they were stewards but then they saw the name tags. They ended up being on our flight. I sat next to one of the ones that was talking to some of my classmates.

Flight from Buenos Aires to Dallas/Fort Worth:
Like I mentioned above, I sat next to one fo the missionaries for this 11-hour flight. I can't sit still for 11 hours. I was so fidgety. At least I had a fun talking to the missionary. He was leaving his two-year mission trip so I was catching him up on what has changed in entertainment in America. Not completely though because if you know me, I clearly don't completely follow the crowd and I forget a lot of things.   He didn't have TV or really most electronics for entertainment. That's okay. He didn't miss much besides more crap TV shows coming out. There were some movies we talked about. I told him he has to watch The Hunger Games. I also let him hear some of the newly popular songs that were on my phone. We also talked about what we were both doing abroad and stuff. Since this flight was at night, we left at 9:05pm (argentina time) and arrived in Dallas at 6am (central time). I tried to sleep but there was this baby that would have little fusses that would wake me up or prevent me from falling asleep. Plus sleeping on American Airlines international planes and not that comfortable. Alitalia had nice seats for international flights but AA doesn't. That's okay I can run on 3 hours of sleep and coffee, crappy coffee because its not from Argentina, but coffee none-the-less. What was really cool about this flight was I got to see the sunrise. Like from pitched black to the glow coming because the window next to the missionary was open the whole time and I couldn't sleep. I got a pretty good photo too!

After the flight we had to go through customs and security before we could get our connecting flight. Customs wasn't that bad but security took forever. We were cutting it a bit close for our connecting flight. Well we were going to if they didn't open up that second security line.... You know you are in America when it takes 5 minutes just to prepare your carry-on items to just go through security.... lol. No other country makes us take out our laptops and liquids, and off our shoes and coats.

Flight from Dallas to Chicago!
Pack flight. Security lady was being mean. Had to check my carry-on bag. I was in the second to last row. There was a kicking kid behind me. Let's just say I was not a fan of that flight. I just read a book that whole flight. I had coffee right before it so I knew I was not going to be sleeping. Plus I have this great record of not sleeping on any of the flights I have taken this trip... Landed in Chicago at 10:30am! By the time I got to baggage claim, my dad already had my bags so I just hugged all my classmates good-bye and departed. :'(

I will dearly miss all my classmates. Everyone brought something interesting to the table. I don't know if I will ever have the chance to click with some many different people all studying some sort of education. Just as a memory I have taken a picture of the group photo and pictures of the newspaper article on us in Alta Gracia.

Now as my travels to and from Argentina are at a close, so is this blog. I'm glad to share my experience and I wouldn't trade anything in the world for the experience I had.

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