jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Buenos Aires, Day 2

Wednesday, June 20th (Day 28)

The only full day in Buenos Aires. It was great fun. We basically could do whatever we wanted but we had two group meals. Well you didn't have to go to group meals but I don't know why you wouldn't want to go to group meals. Since we had group meals I ended up with more pesos left over than I needed so in the morning we went shopping. I bought an Argentina soccer scarf and this magical shirt that can be worn at least 20 different ways and at least one of those ways in a skirt. They ladies at the store selling them are wearing them over their clothes so they demonstrated it for us. That made me and 3 of my classmates sold, so we all got one. I tried mine on back at the hotel and it fits! Its not long enough to be a dress (yea that was one of the ways too) but it could be a dress on some of my classmates. I think it is the coolest thing. I'm so glad I bought some sort of clothing item while travel abroad. Normally I can't find something that fits.

Our group lunch was at 1pm at Havanna. It this place that is known for its dulce de leche cookie things. I had one, they were okay. But I think I think they are okay because I am not a huge dulce de leche fan. They have sandwiches, coffee drinks, and smoothies. I got this awesome sandwich and a smoothie. (I will add a photo later when I have time to get my photos from my camera to my computer)

After that we could do whatever we wanted so four of us (Callie, Brett, Jeremy, and I) went on a walking adventure. We were trying to find this amazing bookstore but it ended up us just walking around and enjoying the city. Here is the link to a picture of the library we were trying to find: El AteneoApparently, the boys went walking and stumbled upon it after we came back to the hotel to take a break. So basically the boys went without me and Callie. That's okay. I don't think my suitcases could take me buying a cookbook or something. It was a really nice walk. I kind of like adventures were we get a bit lost but magically find our way back. :)

Last group dinner! :( It was amazing! :) We ate at Sigo la Vaca (Follow the Cow) in Puerto Madera. It is a meat and salad buffet. So you get one drink and one dessert but then it is all you can eat of whatever else is out which is salad and meat. It was amazing! I made this really yummy salad at the salad bar then I got plates of meat! Some of it was overcooked for me but my classmate for a really rare piece and gave it to me because she can't eat rare meat. So happy! I am so glad that was our last meal. Then I got a chocolate volcano cake for dessert. It was okay. I've had better. Nothing beats chocolate souffles on a Disney Cruise but this comes close.

After that we came back to the hotel and took forever to decide that we wanted to just go out a chill for our last night instead of all sitting in our rooms on facebook. The part of town we are in is basically dead at night. We went to this one bar across the street because basically nothing else was open. It was interesting. Apparently they closed around 2am and we were there until 2:30. We were locked into the bar and one of the bartenders had to let us out. LOL It was weird but a good last night with some of my classmates.

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