miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

Surprise Party!

Tuesday, June 12th (Day 20)

June 12th is my classmate, Arianna's birthday. Therefore, Monday and Tuesday have been distract Arianna as other classmates prepare a surprise party. But before I get to the party I have to talk about my interesting placement day.

So it was suppose to just be an other Tuesday of me sitting in the back of a classroom listening to a subject, hopefully mathematics, in Spanish. That's what it was the first block so it wasn't too interesting. I was in the 6th year Naturales class. They were learning limits with Professor Adrianna, who I have been placed with before. We are suppose to look at the teacher in week so things were pretty boring that block. The next block is half math and half biology with the same class. This was the interesting block. First off, it wasn't just a continuation of the first block. This math was a totally different subject. They went back to functions: domain, image, increasing/decreasing, zeros, and graphing. I think it is crazy that they are learning two different subjects of mathematics at the same time. That was shocking but what was funny was the kid that sat next to me. So in the first block there was 3 of us visiting at we sat at the desk in the front right corner of the room. Weird right? But in the second block there was only 2 of us so the seat next to me was empty. Next thing I know one of the guys in the class moves next to me and makes me and Charmaine write him a note on his binder in white out. When he first came over one of his classmates told us that he is in love with Charmaine, which would explain why he moved to sit by us. He didn't speak a lot of English so the conversation was really funny and sometimes we had to call over the classmate of his that normally translates for us. Apparently the teacher (the principal) doesn't like him because he is a 'bad' student. He was quite funny. We tried to help teach him what he needed to know for that math class. He told me he doesn't understand this stuff in Spanish so there is no way he could understand it in English. lol. We tried to teach him a bit of English and he decided to teach us a bit of Spanish. He also asked for our Facebook names which are just our names that we wrote on his binder. He made me write his name in my notebook so that I could find him on Facebook. I don't think I will friend him but if I do I will after I leave Alta Gracia for good. I know we aren't really their teachers so we aren't breaking any rules (not like there really are any about this stuff here in Argentina). I just find it weird unless they friend request us first. Anyways... I just found that interesting because most male students don't want to talk to us compared to all the girls that always come up at talk to some of us.

The afternoon was also interesting. We went to a public technical high school. This one specializes in electromechanics and metal mechanics. This school is in the poorest part of Alta Gracia so right now it is getting a lot of help from the government to make the school better. It was very interesting to see there different labs and to hear how this school is very different then the 3 that we are placed in. There is more fighting in this school because it is a public school with lots of boys in a poorer neighborhood.

One we came back there was a brief break before the second session of Dee's dance group. It was mainly a different group of students then the day before. We taught them the Cupid Shuffle, Cha Cha Slide, Electric Slide, and the Macarena. Then they briefly showed us some of their dances before it was time for the 'sports dance' (i.e. cheerleading) thing. I left, mailed postcards, and finished my souvenir shopping.

Surprise party time! It was a scheduled dinner at Marilyn's house. One of my classmates faked having asthma problems so that Arianna had to slow down with her while the rest of us walked quickly to go in and surprise her. She had no idea. The funniest part was we were doing a horrible job at distracting her and she never caught on. It was make your own pizza and movie night. There was also a cake made by the hotel for her birthday. It was a chocolate cake with dolce de leche filling. It was amazing! We only watched half the movie before we had to leave so that people could get ready to go to Cordoba and finish celebrating Arianna's birthday. I didn't go but I hear people had an amazing time.

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