domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

panic attack on a zip-line, no worries, a cute guide came to the rescue.

What an Adventure! The day (Sat, Jun 9/Day 17) started off with a scary charter bus ride through the mountains for a ridiculously long hike up a mountain to this beautiful waterfall. So the hike was totally worth it, even the part where I had to stop and take my inhaler. I would have never sat that out because it was so breath taking. These are the kind of trips that I love. I wish we had more time up at the top to hang out and take pictures. I was wearing WAY too many layers. We thought it would be cold but boy were we wrong... I think that might be part of the reason my asthma was so bad. I was boiling hot and was carrying too much stuff. After that long hike up we had to hike down and that was hard too. We ate lunch at a restaurant at the entrance. I ate a steak. It was okay. It is no steak from La Rosa.

Zip Lining! Yea what a first for me. First time zip lining and my first panic attack. Too bad the first panic attack was in the middle of my first zip line... Because I am on a heavy side and I am short I sat really low so my arm couldn't be in the position that it should have been. Even though I wasn't pulling down to stop, my arm was stopping me so I stopped dead center of the zip line. The guide that catches people had to come and get me. I was freaking out. He had to calm me down a bit before pulling me to the platform. It was horrifying! The guide was cute though... LOL! He kind of looks like Seth Green in the Italian Job. Not an exact look-alike but very close. I got a blister from the first zip line... I guess physical proof I did zip line. That and all my classmates seeing me cry because I was freaking out. I was freaking out so much I wouldn't do the next one until this other guide said that I could zip line with him. I was literally attached to the guide in the back on my harness. So I didn't have to worry about having my hand on the cable to stop me. Zip lining that way wasn't that bad. I think I am kind of afraid of heights and it is a billion times worse when just a little carabiner if holding me to a cable. The guides were so nice. I was really freaking out. My classmates were also awesome. I don't think I would have calmed down enough to finish without them. They were cheering me on for the second and third one, even though I opted out of the big scary one for a shorter "baby" one to finish. I love my classmates. They are really supportive. Now I can say that I have zipped lined. Whether or not I ever do it again is a different story...
<- my classmates waiting to go down the third line that I opted out of.

My blister...->

German Town! We went to a little German Town afterwards and it is apparently famous for its chocolate and desserts. I bought quite a bit of chocolate and after the zip lining experience I had I think I deserve it. I also watched and laughed as the two guys in my class were deciding what beer to try since the town is apparently also known for their amazing Germen beer.

Wasn't much too the night since I was so exhausted from the hike and freaking out on the zip line. I did share a chicken with the two guys in my class. That chicken is so good. Next time I eat it I need to get a picture. I'm just so hungry that I forget to take a photo...

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