viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Last Day :'(

Last day in Argentina. :'( Thursday, June 21 (Day 29)

The plan for the day was meet up at 10:30am, go to the art market, see a cemetery of Argentine famous people, eat lunch, see the mothers of the disappeared march, finish packing and head to airport to go home. Did that plan actually happen? hahahaha (Or as the Argentine type: jajajajaja) No. We apparently had to be out of the hotel by 11:30am because they need to turn over the rooms but we had nowhere to put our suitcases so they somehow got it so that 4 of the rooms did not need to be checked out. So as everyone scrambles around before 11:30 to get all our stuff packed and in one of the rooms to store it in our schedule takes its first detour. Then we walk over to where the art market and the cemetery should be to find that the art market closed so we just go to the cemetery. It was interesting but dead people "buried" above ground is kind of gross... Then we were mis-informed about the time of the mothers of the disappeared march so we ended up just having lunch then time to shop and spend all our pesos. Lunch was gross. It was probably one of the worst meals I have had in Argentina. I think the food in Alta Gracia was better than the food in Buenos Aires. For shopping, we bought stuff from street venders and we went back to Florida, the shopping sheet. I spent all but 8 pesos so I just gave some to a friend who needed a few to buy this magic shirt that I also bought. I bought some jewelry. :) After that we rush back to the hotel to unload the four rooms. Not all my classmates were back yet so there was just a few of us with a bunch of suitcases. Then we loaded buses to head to the airport around 4:45pm.

 Some pretty trees on the walk to the cemetery.

Evita's grave.

Worst meal ever.... It wasn't even meat.... It was soy....

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