martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Mon, June 4th (Day 12)

Even though it was a Monday, it was a great day! lol.

I sat through two different math classes at Misericordia and one teacher kept asking me about the differences from schools in Argentina and in America. I told her about tuition at my college and she told her students that we pay a lot in America so there is no reason for them to not go to the free college in Cordoba. Yes, their public university is free. Why didn't I go there for college??? LOL Teachers get paid crap like a bilion times worse crap than in America so I would rather be a teacher in America.

After my morning placement, I went to San Martin to visit Nicole's class of 1st graders. They are so cute! We got to see the teacher plan book and it was really interesting. Like I said about the plan books at El Anglo is that they look like scrapbooks. The kids were so cute. They were working on counting until 29.

                   The plan book.                                                A student and her worksheet.

After that we basically had the night off except for a short meeting with the professor. I just bummed around because I really need to after trying to understand Spanish for 4 hours. Some of my classmates and I went on a little walk to the supermarket because a lot of us needed water and such. That was an adventure. We were looking at Mate and trying to figure out if we can bring it back into the states because it is so awesome! Then we went to get this chicken for dinner that you can only get to come eat back in your room. So we all ate these half chickens in someone's room and it was a great time. We were laughing like crazy. I got an ab workout from laughing so hard.

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