viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

My Sarcasm Never Goes Away...

Apparently no matter where I am my filter for my sarcastic comments is non-existent. During this trip I have said a lot of funny things because I just say things without thinking about it and my classmates start laughing. Hopefully I will be able to remember them all and the stories to go with them...

We were at the street market and this guy made us rings out of a little piece of wire for free. One of my classmates says, "I feel like we should give him a peso or something" and I reply, "No. It's just wire." lol It's true. I could make those rings with the wire I have from old wire jewelry if you gave me some time to figure out how he made them.

We were waiting for the bus and all the people were making comments about all the stray dogs and I said: "They are like squirrels on campus." Apparently that analogy is really funny to my classmates.

In my room just chillin with my roommate, Erica, and the conversation went something like this:
Me: "What was the funny thing I said at dinner?"
Erica: "We didn't eat dinner."
Me: "I meant that 5pm thing."
Erica: "hahahaha our meals are so off we don't know what to call them anymore."
It's funny because dinner here is at 9 or 10pm not 5pm like at home...

I was commenting a classmate on her new hair and she told me it was a sow-in and I gave her a confused look and she told me she was going to teach me all about black hair. I respond, "Well this is my hair and its all I got."

At dinner one night eating steak.
Me: "Oh yea you weren't there because you were eating your rice."
Brett: "Yup"
Me: "You're WEIRD."

Right after the second zip line, my friends were waiting and telling to me come down so they could give me a hug but I couldn't. All I said was: "I can't, I'm attached to him." I was attached to the guy I zip lined with so I couldn't go anywhere....

Paola with her really long pinky nail: "Is this not normal?"
Me: "Well your not normal."

At the cemetery:
Brett: "Why are we here?"
Me: "Because it is the coolest thing ever." (here it in my most sarcastic voice ever...)

*NOTE* I know this is not all the sarcastic things I have said this trip. They are really hard to remember sometimes.... I just have to say I enjoyed every sarcastic comment that brought a smile to a classmate's face. :D

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