jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Studying Abroad / Traveling

After 3 planes with 2 layovers and a bus ride, for a total of 30 hours of traveling, I am finally in Argentina! This is my second Study Abroad through the University of Illinois. What makes this study abroad way better than the first one I went on it the fact that is under the College of Education so everyone on this trip is an education major, minor, or grad student. Which means we have a lot in common and we can totally nerd out to talking about schools and what we are going through as education people. I think everyone is great and I am excited to learn something from all the different majors.

So this 30 hours of traveling that we did. First we flew from Chicago to Dallas. Then we had around a 4 hour layover before we flew to Santiago, Chile. That was our longest flight. It was about 10 hours. After that we had a 5 hours layover until we flew from Santiago to Cordoba, Argentina. This is where we had to go through customs which is completely a different experience than American customs. Then after that shorter flight (about 2 hours) we took about an hour long bus ride to Alta Gracia which is where I will be living for the next month!

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