miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Day 6: May 29

On this day we had a morning visit to Misericodia which is the school that I have been placed in for observations. It is a catholic school. It was very interesting. Not as many students speak english, I think. Or at least that is what I observed when we saw the kids at recess but when we met with part of the senior class we were told they took english for 2 years. So theoretically they should understand us if we speak slowly. Some of our answers still had to be translated. There are two students who speak English as their first language, one was an exchange student from Texas while the other lived in England for most of her life but moved back to Alta Gracia because that is where her mother lived.

After the Misericordia visit, my classmates split into groups based on which school we were placed. So we talked to the principal a bit before we went to lunch. For lunch we went to the cafe right down the street from Misericordia. It was a good cafe I got a chicken sandwich and it was really good. Then we had free time so I just chilled at the hotel reading a book and watching some tv.

At night we went to the technical college for teachers. So this is a night college that people who want to be teachers become teachers. We got to observe a science class that was having a guest astronomer come and show them some stars. We got to see the Alpha Centauri star(s). You can only see it in the Southern Hemisphere so I think that was pretty cool. It looks like one star but it is two really close together that you can see through a telescope. It apparently the closest star after the Sun and it is 4 light years away. They were celebrating the birthday of the school so there was a special show that we watch and afterwards we had bread/pastries and Mate.

So the teacher thing ended around 10pm and we took taxis from the hotel to the teacher school so we were taking taxis back to the hotel. But 6 of us took taxis to the Cafe De Los Viejos Tiempos. Last time I was there I got pizza and hot chocolate but I got completely different food this time. I got the Lomito sandwich and it was better at this cafe than it was at the other cafe. I also got a Torta e Chocolate or something with those words in the title. It was chocolate cake and it was so good. I shared both of those with a classmate since we had a lot of bread at the teacher school. Not much happened after that since I had to get up the next morning really early to start observations.

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