martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

School Visit and Tango Lesson

On this day we were suppose to have two school visits, El Anglo and San Martin, but the principal of El Anglo was not here so we get the morning off which is very nice. After the general lunchtime we got to be presented to San Martin. That's an elementary school that some of my classmates are placed at. We were there when they had their big starting meeting for school and it was really cool. I felt so important. They really wanted to try to speak English with us and we wanted to try and speak some Spanish to them. We had a tour of the school to see all the classrooms. We went in the younger grades and let the kids ask us questions. Then the students had recess and we were like rockstars. Hordes of students were crowding us and it was so cute to see the little kids try to talk to us. I didn't talk to a lot of students but I took some nice pictures of my classmates talking to a bunch of people. One boy came up to me and asked me if I spoke English and I couldn't help but laugh and say yes. I guess he was expecting me to speak Chinese or Spanish or something. It was very interesting. Kids kept giving us candy and little gifts. These kids were great. All the guys in our group were a billion times more popular then us girls for the fact that many of these kids don't see male teachers.

After our school visit we went to a gym to have a Tango demonstration and lesson. It was very interesting. I like learned new dances and it was really fun. It was a bit awkward because we only have 3 guys in our group so I learned both the male and female parts. I feel like that happens a lot when I am learning a new style of dance. The Tango demonstration was the best part. I have videos so I will try to post them on facebook or here on the blog later. Probably when I get back because the internet here is kind of slow and might die if I try uploading a video.

After that we had the whole night off. We really didn't do much but sit in our rooms. A group of us had dinner at La Rosa which is a restaurant that is around the corner from the hotel. I had a steak. It was sooooo good. I felt like a pig because most of the people in my group got salads while one got pasta. I just really wanted a steak. I was really happy after eating this. There was a lot of fat but it was still really good once I cut out most of the fat.

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